Analysis on Funding Effectiveness of Talent Fund Projects in the Field of Management Science
为贯彻落实习近平总书记关于“提升国家自然科学基金资助效能”的重要指示精神, 国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部组织开展了一系列调研活动, 系统分析杰青、优青人才项目的资助效能.设计并发放了556份调查问卷, 参与座谈专家233人次.我们利用变异系数法、双重差分法、自然语言处理等统计方法对调研数据进行量化分析.调研数据统计发现: 与优青等人才项目相比, 杰青的综合资助效能相对较高, 立项后其学术成果、学术影响力均有大幅度提升; 杰青优青等人才项目的资助效能存在异质性; 从年龄上看, 42岁前获杰青资助的学者, 其综合资助效能会有更大提升.基于调研分析, 提出了人才项目要“强化过程管理与结题管理”等建议.
To implement the instructions from General Secretary Xi Jinping regarding "enhancing the effciency of funding for the National Natural Science Foundation, " the Department of Management Sciences conducted a series of research activities, systematically analyzing the funding effectiveness of the distinguished young scholars and outstanding young scholars talent projects. A total of 556 survey questionnaires were designed and distributed, and 233 experts participated in the discussion. Utilizing statistical methods such as the coeffcient of variation, the difference-in-differences, and the natural language processing, the survey data were quantitatively analyzed. The statistical analysis of the survey data showed the following key findings: First, compared to other talent projects like outstanding young scholars, the comprehensive funding effectiveness of distinguished young scholars is relatively higher. After approval, there is a significant improvement in both academic achievements and academic influence. Second, there is heterogeneity in the funding effectiveness among talent projects like distinguished young scholars and outstanding young scholars. Third, scholars who receive distinguished young scholars funding before the age of 42 experience a greater improvement in comprehensive funding effectiveness. Based on these analysis, recommendations are proposed, emphasizing the need to "strengthen process management and project closeout management" for talent projects.
管理科学 / 人才基金项目 / 资助效能 / 绩效评价 / 调查问卷 {{custom_keyword}} /
management science / talent fund projects / funding effectiveness / performance evaluation / survey questionnaires {{custom_keyword}} /
表1 人才项目资助效能的DID估计结果 |
分类 | 资助前 | 资助后 | DID | DID (%) | |
杰青 | 0.091 | 0.126 | 0.035 | 0.044** | 48.7% |
长江 | 0.096 | 0.116 | 0.020 | 0.030 | 31.2% |
青长 | 0.083 | 0.090 | 0.007 | 0.017 | 20.2% |
优青 | 0.076 | 0.079 | 0.003 | 0.013 | 16.6% |
对照 | 0.071 | 0.061 |
表附表 1 人才项目资助效能指标体系 |
问卷中的问题 | 量化指标 | 指标赋值 | 分数范围 | 权重 | |
学术成果 | 0 | ||||
B4人才资助后, 代表作期刊最高层次 | CNS | 是否 | 5 | 归一化处理 | 对5个二级指标, 采用变异系数法加权计算 |
CNS子刊 | 是否 | 4 | |||
UTD | 是否 | 3 | |||
国际期刊(IF. | 是否 | 2 | |||
国内期刊(IF. | 是否 | 1 | |||
学术荣誉 | 0 | ||||
B2高引学者 | Elsevier中国高被引学者 | 是否 | 2 | 归一化处理 | |
B10获奖 | 国家自然科学奖 | 是否 | 5 | ||
国家技术发明奖 | 是否 | 5 | |||
国家科学进步奖 | 是否 | 5 | |||
教育部奖项1等 | 是否 | 3 | |||
教育部奖项2等 | 是否 | 2 | |||
省部奖项1等 | 是否 | 3 | |||
省部奖项2等 | 是否 | 1 | |||
学术影响力 | 0 | ||||
B6代表作影响 | 代表作ESI高被引论文 | 是否 | 3 | 归一化处理 | |
代表作进入教材 | 是否 | 2 | |||
A10兼职 | SCI、SSCI主编、副主编 | 是否 | 5 | ||
SCI、SSCI编委 | 是否 | 4 | |||
中文核心期刊主编、副主编 | 是否 | 5 | |||
中文核心期刊编委 | 是否 | 3 | |||
社会影响力(括号内指该指标的上限) | 0 | ||||
A10兼职 | 全国人大代表、政协委员 | 是否 | 5 | 归一化处理 | |
省人大代表、政协委员 | 是否 | 3 | |||
B9成果应用 | 国家领导批示 | 数量 | 5(15) | ||
省部领导批示 | 数量 | 3(9) | |||
企业成果转化、社会效益 | 数量 | 1(3) | |||
人才培养(括号内指该指标的上限) | 0 | ||||
A14硕士 | 目前指导学硕 | 数量 | 每个0.5(3) | 归一化处理 | |
A15博士 | 目前指导博士 | 数量 | 每个1(3) | ||
B13培养博士 | 四大人才 | 数量 | 每个5(15) | ||
四青人才 | 数量 | 每个3(9) | |||
省部级人才 | 数量 | 每个2(6) | |||
百篇优博 | 数量 | 每个3(9) | |||
国际会议最佳论文 | 数量 | 每个1(3) | |||
国内会议最佳论文 | 数量 | 每个1(3) |
注: 黑色字体只有资助后信息, 无法计算资助前的指标. |
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